Hands-On Health is a complimentary, incentive based mobile health and education service that provides hands-on experiences in nontraditional settings to address barriers of access to healthcare and education in under resourced populations of Cleveland, Ohio.
Did you know Every 37 seconds a person in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease (CVD)? Ohio is the 12th highest state overwhelmed by CVD in the country and 8th for diabetes which is one of the contributing factors of CVD. Vulnerable populations are at higher risk for CVD risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol. Even though these diseases are seen primarily in older adults, education on healthy habits is key at all ages to decrease generational health disparities. It is imperative to encourage health and education with not only adults but with school aged students as well. Bringing awareness and engaging both the younger and older population creates the potential to strengthens communities as a whole.
Hands-On Health is focused on reducing barriers of accessing health care and education through our mobile health services and programs by:
Building trust and relationships within our communities and connecting culturally competent health care providers with residents of Cleveland
Collaborating with community organizations, businesses, health care professionals and residents to further meet the needs and extend our efforts
Committing to educate ourselves, provide resources and support efforts on making a difference in health and education outcomes in Cleveland.
View the Wealthy Heart program to learn more about our efforts to combat risk factors of cardiovascular disease ( CVD) – the number cause of death in the US.
View the Health Science Lab program to learn more about our efforts of encouraging underrepresented youth to live healthier lifestyle and obtain higher education in Healthcare / STEM related fields.
Our Founders
Hands-On Health was co- founded by twin sisters and pharmacists, Drs. Jennifer and Jessica Macklin, PharmD ( aka Drs. Tymes 2) from Cleveland, Ohio. Both sisters have a passion to serve their communities by providing tools to encourage individuals to live at their highest potential through health and education. As first generation college graduates with first-hand knowledge and experiences of generational health and education inequalities, they both feel it is their purpose and obligation to share their knowledge on the opposite side of the pharmacy counter in the community. Their approach is to address the root cause of disparities and not place a band aid on the issues.